Wisdom teeth are a set of molars that usually grow in the back of your mouth during late adolescence or early adulthood. Unfortunately, sometimes wisdom teeth can cause pain and discomfort as they try to work their way through the gums. Since it’s crucial to stay on top of any dental issues, here are five signs that indicate you may be dealing with a wisdom tooth problem.
Signs That Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In
Pain When Chewing or Swallowing
One of the most common signs of wisdom teeth coming in is pain when chewing or swallowing. This could be due to inflammation around the area where the tooth is trying to break through the gum line. The pain may be mild and localized, but it can also become more widespread if you have an infection or abscess in the area.
Swelling Around the Jawline
Another sign that your wisdom teeth are coming in is swelling around your jawline. This swelling could be caused by inflammation and pressure from your developing wisdom teeth pushing against your other teeth. If you notice any unusual swelling in this area, contact your dentist immediately for further examination and treatment.
Jaw Pain or Tenderness
Suppose your wisdom teeth are beginning to grow. In that case, you will likely experience tenderness or pain in your jaw when opening and closing your mouth wide. This typically indicates too much pressure on one side of the jaw. It’s due to the developing tooth pushing against it from within. Again, if you notice any sudden changes here, reach out to a dental professional for help.
Presence of Pus or Bad Breath
The presence of pus from an infected site is another telltale sign that something isn’t quite right with one of your wisdom teeth. Similarly, bad breath could signify that food particles are getting stuck between newly-emerging wisdom teeth and other molars already in the mouth. Suppose either of these conditions persists after brushing and flossing regularly. In that case, it’s best to visit a dentist for further investigation into what might be causing them.
Unusual Sensitivity to Hot and Cold Items
Hot foods like soup and cold items like ice cream may suddenly become uncomfortable when they come into contact with areas where your wisdom tooth is located. This happens because new nerve endings are forming near these areas as part of normal development processes. So if you notice any unusual sensitivity here, don’t worry! Just keep an eye on it to alert a professional if anything changes over time.
The Bottom Line
Wisdom teeth can cause pain and discomfort as they emerge through the gums during late adolescence or early adulthood. By being aware of these signs—pain when chewing or swallowing, swelling around the jawline—you can help catch any potential problems before they become major issues down the road! If you have questions about whether your wisdom tooth growth is normal, don’t hesitate to contact a dental professional today.
A: It typically takes six months and two years for all four molars (also known as “wisdom teeth”) to fully emerge from below the gum line.
A: Not everyone experiences noticeable symptoms associated with emerging molars.